How I created my website with zero media query using Utopia & Stitches


How I managed to code my website without writing any media query. I used modern css syntax like css grid, flexbox, fluid typography to make my fonts fluid & smooth with out any need to change my font size for many break points and also fluid spaces to set fluid spacing in paddings, margins, gaps. so until now I can't find any reason to write any media query because everything is fluid! 🚀. I didn't know about utopia or stitches until I watch these videos of Kevin Powell and Pedro Duarte.

Advantages of using utopia

  1. fluid typography using fluid type scale calculator
  2. fluid space using fluid space calculator
  3. zero media queries expect one for dark theme '(prefers-color-scheme: dark)' with another one for reduced motion '(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)'.

Advantages of using stitches ( why I choose stitches )

  1. it's only around 6kb size
  2. be constant with your design system
  3. better developer experience with type checking, utils, auto complete
  4. great accessibility with a great eco system like radix component, colors

How I use them both to create my fluid & modern website

First I select the desired font size at small breakpoint also for big breakpoint "choose the values that serve your needs"


Second I select the spaces between small and large breakpoints


after I choose the values I but them together in stitches config file.

Here is sample from my config

import * as Stitches from '@stitches/react'

export const { styled, css, globalCss, keyframes, theme, createTheme, getCssText } =
    theme: {
      space: {
        auto: 'auto',
        0: '0',
        1: 'clamp(0.25rem, calc(0.23rem + 0.12vw), 0.31rem)',
        2: 'clamp(0.50rem, calc(0.45rem + 0.24vw), 0.63rem)',
        3: 'clamp(0.75rem, calc(0.68rem + 0.37vw), 0.94rem)',
        4: 'clamp(1.00rem, calc(0.90rem + 0.49vw), 1.25rem)',
        5: 'clamp(1.50rem, calc(1.35rem + 0.73vw), 1.88rem)',
        6: 'clamp(2.00rem, calc(1.80rem + 0.98vw), 2.50rem)',
        7: 'clamp(3.00rem, calc(2.71rem + 1.46vw), 3.75rem)',
        8: 'clamp(4.00rem, calc(3.61rem + 1.95vw), 5.00rem)',
        9: 'clamp(6.00rem, calc(5.41rem + 2.93vw), 7.50rem)',
      fontSizes: {
        0: 'clamp(0.69rem, calc(0.65rem + 0.21vw), 0.80rem)',
        1: 'clamp(0.83rem, calc(0.77rem + 0.33vw), 1.00rem)',
        2: 'clamp(1.00rem, calc(0.90rem + 0.49vw), 1.25rem)',
        3: 'clamp(1.20rem, calc(1.06rem + 0.71vw), 1.56rem)',
        4: 'clamp(1.44rem, calc(1.24rem + 1.00vw), 1.95rem)',
        5: 'clamp(1.73rem, calc(1.45rem + 1.39vw), 2.44rem)',

This is what I did maybe I'm wrong or I miss something. So I would advice you to follow && Kevin, Pedro tutorials.