Top command line tools


1- Github-cli instead of main website

Installation instructions

gh repo create

All available commands

2- Vite

Vite is pretty fast it's build on top of esbuild, after using vite it's hard to go back again specially in development mode if you want quickly to test something instead of waiting minutes for downloading packages and compiling the code vite can do it in seconds

Just run

yarn create vite

And even more quickly, you can choose the template directly instead of choosing it in prompt, for example

yarn create vite --template react-ts project-name

3- Squoosh-Cli

Compress, convert images, try new images format like avif with one of the best cli tools

squoosh-cli --avif '{quality:50}' -d ./out ./images/*
# squoosh-cli --format --quality --output-directory --input-direcrocty

All available commands / Test it online

4- Package manager for windows!

If you use mac or Linux you're familiar with Package managers. Package managers are great because you able to install/uninstall/update from command line, install specific version if you are facing problem or you want to test something and the more important that you can update all software to get latest software features and security patches at once.

Install choco: Run PowerShell as system administrator

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Close and reopen PowerShell as administrator, type choco install/uninstall/upgrade 'package name'

choco install <Package name>

update all packages at same time in one line command

choco upgrade all -y

vola!, all your apps updated at once without need to check every one in setting searching for update button

for more details I have a detailed post package manger for windows or visit main website

5- Weather

Get whether state from your terminal, for more details checkout github repo


6- Change wallpaper

Get an new cool wallpaper from unsplash in your terminal using splash-cli

npm install -g splash-cli

This is a minimal package without any parameters just type splash
