Command line tips


Cool use cases for gh gists with alias

Create gist

gh gist create example.txt

Every gist you created have an id, we need this id to edit gist. To grap the id or to view all gists you created just run this command,

gh gist list

Then you can edit gist

gh gist edit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Quickly access info for example you can but you small code snippets, google fonts & libraries links to quickly copy and past them, save some nice color values, install instructions, etc. save whatever your need and quickly jump on it

alias links='gh gist edit xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

After run command it will open your gist in default editor for example in windows is notepad, but you can configure github-cli to use you favorite editor

For linux & mac you can add alias to ./.bashrc or ./zshrc for windows you can also add alias to ./.bashrc or ./zshrc if you installed wsl or to git bash How to add alias to git bash on windows

Bonus Tip:

Make a prompt alias before permanently gone

rm -rf -i